Great Services for Self Care
***Please note these are friendly suggestion that Psychotherapist Saunia Palmer Nelson has tried, or is trying to implement into her own self care routine when affordable and available. These are not mandatory requirements for services with Refining Therapy Services. The purpose of this list is to help provide examples of what local services are available within the GTA, and can be added to one’s self care routine. Feel free to share other services with Psychotherapist Saunia Palmer Nelson that can be added to this list and shared with others in the community.
Natural Hair & Restoration, Natural Hair Care & Maintenance, Vegan & Botanical Scalp Therapy
2. @exfolierrejuvene
Healthy skin care (inclusive to all skin types)
3. Sugar N Massage Spalon
Numerous Health and Beauty services
Great sugar waxing services for all skin types and skin sensitivities
4. Serene Beauty Studio Inc
Skin Therapist
Makeup/Hair Artist
5. @jiel_hair
Mobile natural hair Stylist
6. @omgwhodidyourhair
Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
7. @sarahnaomihcb
Mobile Hair stylist
8. Hael Wellness Inc.
Holistic Wellness
Holistic Health Coaching
9. Lenjo Bakes
Awesome sweet treats
10. Daniela Goode Thomas - GospelGroove Classes
Fitness & Wellness Education Specialist
11. @clubenhergy
Female Fitness Club
Empowering women through health & fitness
12. @enhergize
Helping women reach their fitness
13. @fitt2me Coach Tumi Joda - Fitness & Nutrition services
14. Mclean Teeth Dental Hygiene care
(437) 246-8331